NEX Town - OPT Writer (U.S.)

Team : NEX Town

Location : Remote

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:round_pushpin: Purpose
:cyclone: Responsibilities

:sunflower: Requirements
:love_letter: How to apply and what to expect
:raised_hands: What It Means To Volunteer at NEX Foundation
:palm_tree: Volunteer Benefits

:round_pushpin: Purpose

NEX Town新上線!我們需要更多村民加入NEX Town,一同打造全球最大的台灣人才互助社群。社群成立初期,需要村民們分享自己的國際移動經驗,互相交流。

除此之外,因應近期就業市場寒冬,我們擴大OPT Hiring scope,歡迎各位留學生申請成為NEX Town的writer。

:cyclone: Responsibilities

  • 志工服務時間:3個月 / 6個月 / 12個月
  • 每月產出兩篇文章Post到NEX Town (主題範例:校系申請/求學經歷/實習經歷)

:sunflower: Requirements

  • NEX可以配合志工的畢業校系調整Offer Letter內容(e.g. CS Master’s graduates → CS related deliverables in the offer letter),後續OPT申請須志工自行處理。
  • 具備基本文字能力。請在申請時提供簡單的中文寫作sample。

:love_letter: How to Apply and What to Expect

  1. Submit your application here: (If you have any questions, please email [email protected]).
  2. Selected candidates will receive an interview request by email from the NEX HR team.
  3. Offer decisions will be made from the interview and overall evaluation.
  4. Every on-boarded volunteer will be required to complete a customized 90 Days Work Plan and then continue their volunteer journey with NEX after performance review and approval by their reporting manager.

:raised_hands: What It Means To Volunteer at NEX Foundation

  1. NEX staff positions are all volunteering, non-paid positions.
  2. Attendance in-person or remotely for staff and departmental meetings is required.
  3. Must maintain prompt and professional correspondence.
  4. Most work is conducted over email, slack or in-person/remote meetings in Seattle/Taipei.
  5. Between 5-10 hours per week of work is required for the roles (including meetings, etc).
  6. The staff is a team of highly dedicated, geeky, and passionate volunteers; it’s a lot of hard work, but an amazing experience with lots of opportunities to grow and help build NEX Foundation for the future.

:palm_tree: Volunteer Benefits

  1. Official Service Certificate – For the volunteer who actively works for more than 6 months, NEX will issue an official certificate by request to recognize their efforts.
  2. Official Recommendation Letter – For the volunteer who actively works for more than 12 months and delivers high-impact deliverables and contributions, NEX Board will issue a recommendation letter by request to acknowledge their contributions.
  3. Develop skill-set and hands-on experience with professional volunteer team members.
  4. Opportunities to lead and drive high-impact projects to world-wide Taiwanese talents.